Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Long Pause

Every now and then, we fall victim to the dread of the long pause.

It is that five or --- rarely--- ten-second uncomfortable silence when your brain decides to impulsively go on holiday. In that space of time, you are alone to fend for yourself. No back-up plan, no reserve magic trick, no heat, no water.

You watch the other person cower at your gaze, or rather, watch yourself shrink back to your cave. You think to yourself --- with whatever fragment your brain bothered to leave for motor skills--- this long pause, this looooong paaauuse, wars could have stopped during this long pause. Babies could have been born during this long pause. Diego Luna could have been dialing your number during this long pause. You could have been crowned Queen of the Universe during this long pause. The world could have stopped spinning during this long pause.

It's a wretched thing this long pause.

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